Vision Maluwa

Maluwa in Chichewa means 'Flower'

  1. We see the flower as symbol of growth; continuous development
  2. We would like to assist people developing beauty through the use of their God-given gifts
  3. Like flowers we are all special people in different colours, from different nations, different personalities, etc
  4. A flower has many petals; each petal standing for a different part of our lives to be developed; spiritually, physically, socially, economically, creatively, etc

We hope that the Chichewa course can assist people with a good start in Malawi, from where they can develop their gifts in their various work and ministries.
We believe another language and culture should not be a hindrance to feel at home in Malawi, but rather an exciting journey discovering more and more about the people in Malawi and also discover many things about yourselves.

Good luck with your 'journey' in Malawi!